2022-2023 Publication: New Frontiers of Development: Examining China's Digital Silk Road in the Indo-Pacific to Guide the Future of Quad Tech Cooperation

Written by Andy Shufer, Pranav Pattatathunaduvil


An Interdisciplinary Approach

Investment Database

Using AidData's Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset 2.0, we developed a database capturing state-led Chinese tech investments in the Indo-Pacific. This database allows for a comprehensive assessment of China's financing methods, implementation of tech standards, and unique innovations.

Policy White Paper

White paper detailing China's investments on emerging surveillance, financial, and ICT technologies in the Indo-Pacific, with a specific focus on how projects are implemented, local impacts, and China's view of tech standards. We aim to derive policy recommendations for the Quad Critical and Emerging Technologies Working Group on how to effectively compete with China in tech development.

Seminar Series

We've hosted a series of seminars, inviting policy and technical experts in the technology and Indo-Pacific policy space to engage with students on relevant topics. Past speakers represent organizations ranging from the National Security Council to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Japan.

We also hosted a 2-day International Technology Competition workshop with the Special Competitive Studies Project.

New Frontiers of Development was written through the help of Kate Carline, Renee Li, Michelle Ma, Axel de Vernou, Luisa Metz, Lauren Delwiche, Khaled Maalouf, Michael Foley, Emily Sun, Lisa Peppi, Dianna Garzón, Elise Tsao, Ariana He, Jessica Liu, Jason Bao, Arjun Warrior.